Iran Sahand cooling unit has a durable and compact body and is suitable for fast and easy welding. This model of cold water unit also has a high speed fan for fast cooling and the ability to easily convert to a variety of argon and CO2 welding machines. Easy installation on welding inverters for continuous work and high quality parts manufacturing and easy conversion of air-cooled devices to cold water, which can be a suitable and cost-effective device for welders and those who work in the field of welding and cutting. When you go from air-cooled welding torches to cold water, the biggest component is the water unit. Because water is a good conductor of electricity (as far as electrical hazards are concerned), it is a threat. (This depends on the welder or the surrounding workers, depending on whether the water is on the ground.) So maintenance is very important when you offer water cooling equipment. Starting with the water cooler and working with us until you reach the burner, let's go through a few steps that should be part of your regular maintenance program.
The cold water unit should be maintained according to the schedule, depending on the type of use, make sure you clean it often. Some companies clean their cold water unit every six months, while others never do. Companies that never do this are companies that will run into problems with their pumps. Some examples of things to look for to prevent pumps from leaking are:
Lines free of clogs and debris
Severe cracks or abrasions on the lines
"Bubble" or bubble lines
Make the walls of the lines thinner
A bad hose can cause a leak, which can be a major hazard to your welder. If water spills on the ground while welding and touching your workpiece, electricity will pass through you, creating a high risk of shock.
Check your cold water unit once or twice a year for signs of aging and damage. The environment is important not only for maintenance, but also for welding safety in general. Everyone thinks of your safety equipment when considering safety, but the environment around you plays an equally important role in the safe operation of water cooler burner components. In general, when talking about a dirty environment, check to see if there is a lot of metal dust, if the floor is clean, or if there is a lot of plasma cutting - which creates a lot of metal scale. A dirty environment will block the ports and cause the devices to malfunction. If welding in a dirtier environment, inspection may be necessary three to four times a year.